Work Integrated Learning Experience

What is WILP? (Work Integrated Learning Programme)

1. Today’s world is witnessing an explosive advancement in technology and rapid changes in the working methods across the industry. It has largely impacted the job market and also created a huge complexity in handling the tasks. Thus, the jobs are becoming highly skill-intensive.

2. In the present scenario, the industries expect new employees to possess practical skills whereas a large number of youth and job seekers have acquired knowledge in the conventional education system which is largely comprised only of the theoretical components.

3. Therefore, University-Industry collaborations are the only way forward to handle the gap between academia and industry needs. Moreover, the new education policy announced by MOE strongly indicates to design such learning pedagogies which are in collaboration with industry and must be work-integrated so that the students are work-ready and fit to be employed after the completion of the learning programme.

4. Sikkim Alpine University has introduced Work-Integrated Learning Programme in part-time mode, which have been carefully designed with a focus on industry practices and integrated with work requirements so that the learners get the opportunities to connect theory with practice at their workplace.

5. WILP are specifically focused on up-skilling needs of industry professionals, it provides opportunities to interact with local industries as well as with industry mentors that help students to prepare academically along with exposure to industry practices.

6. The learning pedagogy of WILP is primarily designed on a concept of learning while doing where a student can easily identify its learning requirements which can be later shared with the academic resources available at university and can also be discussed with experts at collaborative industries.

Programme Highlights

WILP at Sikkim Alpine University is a Learning Program For Working Professionals (WILP) Which is Approved by UGC.

Students/working Professionals can access learning in Various formats i.e Text, audio-video lectures any time from anywhere by a learning management system(LMS).

Lectures are conducted by university faculty and experienced industry professionals From Premier institutes in India.

Learn to use tools like MATLAB, Flownex, Multisim, remote lab, etc. which Enhances your technical Capability to work industry.

Provide the necessary conceptual foundation and appropriate understanding of real-world applications.

The programme is developed to ignite the technical temperament of the modern engineering world.

The learning methodology of the WILP e-learning studio is developed on the basis of the implementation of innovative solutions for an interactive learning experience.

Student Learning Outcomes

Apply fundamental principles of Engineering and Management in selected domain.

Successfully carry-out small and medium range projects considering both the technical and financial perspectives.

Function as a part of a team and communicates effectively across sectors.

Online Labs & Remote Labs